Nesta página você encontrará estudos científicos sobre nossos produtos… clique em cada item da lista para baixar o respectivo arquivo em pdf.
MOTOmed Study with FES_Fornusek + Davis J Rehab Med 2004 (proofs)
MOTOmed Study with FES_Power output during ES-cycling_Theisen 2002 J Rehabil Med
1_Cyclic movement training of lower limb in stroke rehab
2_The effect of rep arm cycling on post stroke spasticity
4_The effects of therapy on spasticity
5_Immunosuppressive and symptomatic therapy of MS
6_The additional use of MOTOmed or motor spling
7_Apparatus-assisted training with patients suffering from MS
8_Influence of endurance training at pulmonary parameters_PPS
9_Report of Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand
10_Development of an FES Biofeedback Cycling System
11_Benefit of the cardiac rehabilitation paradigm
12_Uptake of and adherence to exercise_713.4EB21_GB_HEAMODIALYSIS